Good day all,
Well...it has been a sweltering few weeks in the brew house for yours truly. We have been working to the point of exhaustion in order to bring you more of our delicious summer seasonal, SunRye's Ale. I have also been developing new and exciting brews for future seasonals and a few just for fun. (yes I have a terrible job) I guess what I am trying to say is I hope to hear from YOU!!! Tell me what you think, ask me a question, gripe about your spouse, it doesn't really matter. I spend my days in the brewery with only minimal outside contact, so... do me a favour and drop me a line. I will probably respond (trying not to sound to desperate)
I encourage everyone to look closely at Justin's avitar. *Sigh* Those were the good 'ol days.
I just have to say that I think the SunRyes Ale is the best I have had yet from the genius of Weston Brewing Co. Not to mention that the story on the packaging is a good read for the wee one nearby. Keep up the great work. Hoping to be back in Weston soon...yet another Kennedy.
All the brews you guys come up with are great!!! My fridge has room only for WBC creations! Its even a bonus to cross the state line to hear some of the best live music EVERY weekend while enjoying a great ale. Keep up the great work guys!!!
What you need is a good dry cider! Now that would make me show up every weekend!!
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