Funny you should mention. We are currently in talks with the Louisberg Cider folks and will soon begin test batches of a nice, dry cider. So all you people out there looking for a good, local apple based product to get you loopy your prayers shan't go unheeded by us WBC guys. Watch the blog for details.
It's an Apple computer....it's serving beer/Cider.
I kill me.
That photo is awesome! I can't wait for the cider. I tend to be a "girly drinker" and most beer isn't my cup of tea, so to speak (love the Cream Ale and the Sunryes though). But I'm always up for cider....Weston Brewing Company Snakebite, anyone???
Hey you.. CAN'T WAIT!!! I love a dry cider, woodchuck is good an all but it's a bit too sweet for me. I've never really really gotten the taste for beer however cider.. i can drink all day!
Would love to see you guys make Cider but please don't get rid of the Bulmers/Magners!!! And feel free to make as many of your own beers as you want but it will be a sad day if you ever get rid of Guinness draft for one of your own concoctions.
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